How To Process Images in Node js with Sharp

image processing in node js

Next, we provide the type of request we are sending—in this case, POST—via the -X option. The AbstractAPI Images API is secured by 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS). The API meets all GDPR and CCPA requirements and regulations.

We’ll delve into tasks like object detection, image classification, and even image generation. In summary, the Sharp library is an essential tool for image processing in Node.js, offering a range of functionalities that cater to various image manipulation needs. Its efficiency and ease of use make it a preferred choice for developers looking to implement image processing solutions in their applications. By following these steps, you can successfully integrate image recognition into your Node.js application. The combination of TensorFlow.js and OpenCV provides a powerful toolkit for processing and analyzing images. For more detailed information, refer to the official documentation of TensorFlow.js and OpenCV.

More in file-upload

However, as a workaround, we can draw text using SVG and then use the composite() method to add the text image to the original image. We chain the flop() method to the sharp instance to flop the image over the y-axis. We chain the flip() method to the sharp instance to flip the image over the x-axis. SVG is an XML-based markup language for creating vector graphics for the web.

  1. This Tier also provides email and live chat support and domain whitelisting.
  2. The Pro Tier supports up to 20GB per month at up to 500 requests per second and provides dedicated support.
  3. The argument in the upload.single() must be the name of the input tag.
  4. The request starts with the shell command curl, which is a command that allows us to send a data request over the network to a remote server.
  5. Sharp is one of the most popular image manipulation packages for Node.js.
  6. WebContainers is an environment that allows you to run Node.js directly in your browser.

The method accepts a single argument containing a sigma value between 0.3 and 1000. Passing it 4 will apply a gaussian blur with a sigma value of 4. After the image is blurred, you define a path to save the blurred image. Now that you’ve read an image and extracted its metadata, you’ll now resize an image, change its format, and compress it. Now, when you use sharp() to read the image, it creates a sharp instance.

It’s built around the libvips library and provides a simple but powerful API for image processing. Implementing image recognition models in Node.js can be streamlined by utilizing the right libraries and following a structured approach. By focusing on efficient image processing and leveraging powerful machine learning models, developers can create robust applications that harness the power of image recognition. To create a composite image, we first chain the composite() function to the sharp instance. We also add a new image file, fall.jpg, to the sharp module. In this example, fall.jpg is the processed image (or background image).

Resizing Images Upon Upload

image processing in node js

To enhance the user experience while managing image loading times, the blurhash algorithm serves as an effective solution. This technique allows you to create a placeholder image that is visually appealing while the actual image loads in the background. This guide will walk you through the process of generating a blurhash for an uploaded image using JavaScript and Express.js. Later in this file, I implement a method to resize the uploaded file. As I mentioned earlier on, Sharp module does a good job at this and I use this module to achieve the functionality. In this particular project, I always resize my image to 300×300.

You then chain the metadata() method of the sharp module to the instance. The method returns an object containing the image metadata, which you store in the metadata variable and log its contents using console.log(). To extract the metadata, you’ll first import the sharp module, create an instance of sharp, and pass the image path as an argument. After that, you’ll chain the metadata() method to the instance to extract the metadata and log it into the console.

Images.js acts like my controller and communicated directly with the client-side to take and respond to API calls. All POST and GET requests have methods that are implemented in imagemanager.js. In imagemanager.js, I also do the image resizing eventual writing to the file system. The images.js file communicates with server.js that creates an instance of imagesmanager. Finally, I have responsehandler.js file that formats my response before sending them back to the client-side.

The Sharp library is a powerful tool for image processing in Node.js, enabling developers to perform a variety of operations efficiently. It is particularly well-suited for tasks such as resizing, cropping, and converting images, all while maintaining high performance and low memory usage. Below, we outline the steps and considerations necessary for a successful implementation. Sharp is an Image processing Module for Node JS made on top of libvips image processing library which is made in C programming language. Sharp makes resizing and optimizing images four to five times faster than other tools like ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick.

  1. If you’d rather edit the image yourself, there are a few image processing libraries that work with Node, including Sharp, Jimp, and GM Module.
  2. Just to mention that Sharp works best at reducing image size.
  3. Image metadata is text embedded into an image, which includes information about the image such as its type, width, and height.
  4. If your web app or website is primarily used on mobile, it’s important to consider how much of your users’ data is taken up by loading images.
  5. First, you’ll chain the resize() method from the sharp instance to resize the image, and save it in the project directory.

Here, we import the image-processor module and assign it to a variable called imageProcessor. Currently, the image-processor module is empty, but that’s where we will make our requests to the AbstractAPI Image API and receive the response. The request starts with the shell command curl, which is a command that allows us to send a data request over the network to a remote server. You can manipulate images by directly uploading the image file to the Abstract API, or you can provide the API with a URL that points to the image on the web. AbstractAPI’s Images API provides an easy interface for compressing, cropping and resizing images, and enables you to serve optimized images from our AWS S3 or Azure cloud servers.

It then saves the image in the project directory as sammy-cropped-grayscale.png. After resizing the image, you chain the sharp module’s toFile() method, which takes the image path as an argument. Passing sammy-resized.png as an argument will save the image file with that name in the working directory of your program. This section outlines the steps to generate a blurhash for uploaded images using JavaScript and Express.js. Images are an important component of most applications that handle user-generated content.


It accepts an imageUrl, which we will pass in when we call it inside index.js. Inside the handler, we use axios to send a POST request to the API, passing it a JSON object with our API Key and the photo URL. You will need to have an HTTP client in your app in order to make HTTP requests.

image processing in node js

This is done to create effects that borrow the best elements from the different photos. Another common use case is to watermark an image with a logo. Now that you’ve cropped and extracted the image, you’ll work with rotating and blurring it. The top and left properties control the position of the box. When you set left to 120, the box is positioned 120px from the left edge of the image, and setting top to 70 positions the box 70px from the top edge of the image. The -y option tells npm to create the default package.json file.

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